Adventist Risk Management

ARM provides educational resources and insurance solutions that make your ministry a safer place to be.
Robert Patterson, Jr.
Adventist Television

Steven Ingham
Adventist Youth Ministries

"PASS IT ON" is our motto for the Youth Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church! But what is it that we want to pass on to the younger generation? There are three essential values we encourage youth leaders around the world to instill in the hearts of their young people. Identity in Christ, Mission as Seventh-day Adventists and Leadership in the local Church.
Dwayne Caines
Children’s Ministries

To provide all children, regardless of socio–economic or cultural background, an opportunity to know and love Jesus Christ.
Tammy Hendrickson
Communication Director

To convey an inspirational story about the Seventh–day Adventist Church in Bermuda.
Carmen Patterson
Community Service Director

Adventist Community Services is the official community outreach ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist church in the North American Division territories which comprises of North America, Guam and Micronesia, and Bermuda. ACS serves the whole person, a concept known as holistic ministry whose mission is to “serve communities in Christ’s name”.
Please visit our site for a video detailing the various services we may provide:
Dora Baker
Disabilities Ministries

To encourage local congregations to give special attention to individuals with disabilities. We also encourage them to develop programs for witnessing to people with disabilities and make out churches accessible to all.
Pauline DeShield
Education Superintendent

To provide opportunity for students to accept Christ as their Savior, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and to fulfill the commission of preaching the gospel to all the world. To develop the “whole person” concept in each student, educate them to accept service as a way of life, to be sensitive to the needs of people at home and in society, and to become active members in the Church.
Rosemary Tyrrell
Family Ministries

Our mission of evangelism is to provide resources, training, and networking opportunities that will instill hope and bring wholeness to families within the Bermuda Conference. Our vision statement is: Reaching Families for Eternity.
Richard Martin
Health Ministries

We believe in a "ministry of healing" by which we can be restored to wholeness. Our concept of "whole" involves "the whole person": spiritual, physical, mental and social — as we do not exist in isolation. We emphasize the prevention of diseases through simple lifestyle patterns that permit God’s restorative powers to work more effectively on our behalf, while in no way minimizing the effectiveness of proven therapy where disease has already occurred.
Leonard Gibbons
Hispanic Ministries

The Hispanic Ministries department is dedicated to reaching the Spanish-speaking population in the Bermuda Conference, and ministers to the church members as they prepare for Heaven. Hispanic Ministries works with conference administration and constituent churches in searching for new methods, resources and skills to better reach Latinos. The department is also focused on a discipleship, and personal evangelism, which motivates the church to become actively involved in winning souls for Christ through small groups.
Hector Quinones
Home & School Association

To provide parent education. To unite the home, the school, and the church in their endeavors to provide Seventh-day Adventist Christian education for the children.
Anthony Peets
Human Relations

Human Relations Department of the Bermuda Conference address personnel and member relationship issues, including but not limited to human relations policies and procedures, sexual ethics, diversity relations, conciliation, and dispute resolution.
DeJaun Tull
Media Ministries

To provide assistance, training and a platform, for the spreading of the Gospel through all available media platforms.
Hector Quinones
Men's Ministries

The mission of this ministry is to “galvanize the energy of men for God, family, and community.” The vision statement proclaims, “Men who love and are committed to God, their families and their communities.”
Rollin Nathan
Ministerial Department

The Ministerial Department sees pastoral ministry as the lifeblood and backbone of all that takes place in Bermuda. Supporting and equipping the ministry and role of the local pastor in the congregational setting is our primary focus because Spirit-filled, effective, healthy pastors and congregations have an enormous impact for the kingdom of God.
DeJaun Tull

For those who are familiar with it, “Pathfindering” conjures up images of marching, camping, curious hobbies, bugs and bats. Enlarging their windows on the world and building a relationship with God are the dual objectives of this club, which is designed for children ages 10-15. With nearly 2 million members around the world, this Seventh-day Adventist Church-sponsored club accepts any youth who promises to abide by the Pathfinder Pledge and Law regardless of their church affiliation.
Dwayne Hill
Personal Ministries Director

The mission of the Personal Ministries Department is to provide resources and to train the church members to unite their efforts with the ministers and church officers in the proclamation of the gospel of salvation in Christ. The goal of the department is to enlist each member in active service for the winning of souls for God.
Eloise Symonds
Planned Giving & Trust Services

The purpose of our department is to encourage our church members and others to continue to support God’s work through wills, trusts, annuities and special donations.
Robert Patterson, Jr.
Prayer Ministries

To spiritually strengthen and support every ministry, pastor, and administrator at every level of the church by fusing the three fundamental elements of mission—prayer, Bible study, and ministry.
Michelle Hill
Prison Ministries

Prison Ministries workers must be one who can love inmates in spite of their failure to act in accordance with the law, and who can empathize with the inmates they are seeking to help. Workers must be willing to make Prison Ministries a priority. This ministry requires sacrifice and a conviction that they would rather be at the prison, laboring for the souls of inmates, than to be serving anywhere else in the world. As Prison Ministries workers lead others to Christ, hopefully they will continue to grow spiritually themselves.
Kevin Santucci
Publishing Ministries

The Publishing Ministry of the Bermuda Conference exists to share the gospel of hope to the whole world through publications - in all its forms.
Norma Lynn Showers
Religious Liberty Director

The Adventist Church believes that fighting religious oppression and defending an individual’s right to worship according to his or her conscience—regardless of that person’s religious affiliation—is in everyone’s best interest.
Carlyle Simmons
Retention and Reclamation

The Mission of the Reclamation and Retention Department is to go after the lost sheep and to insure that persons have a sure foundation before baptism and continue to build after while fostering long lasting relationships in God’s house.
Damon Hendrickson
Sabbath School

From its inception Sabbath School has focused on four emphases that are still prominent to this day: fellowship development, community outreach, Bible study, and foreign mission. A solid balance of these elements characterizes the most vital Sabbath Schools around the world.
Carlyle Simmons
Stewardship Ministries

The Mission of the Stewardship Department is to foster faithfulness in Time, Treasure, Talents and Temperance in the Bermuda Conference of SDA.
Robert Patterson, Jr.
Women's Ministries

The Department of Women's Ministries exists to uphold, encourage, and challenge Adventist women in their pilgrimage as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His world church.
Michelle Hill
Young Adult Ministries

The story of the Adventist Youth Society, now titled Young Adults (YA), began over 125 years ago along a dusty country lane in Michigan with two young boys kneeling in prayer. Today that dusty lane has become a world-wide web of highways that links over 10 million Seventh-day Adventist young people in nearly every political entity on every continent of the globe. This story comes in every hue of the rainbow; it is filled with extremes of exhilaration and mountaintop experiences, as well as deep sadness and unfulfilled dreams. This is the story of God’s leading a fascinating army down through the battles of the great over arching conflict that is life as we know it now.
Damon Hendrickson