As the newly elected President of The Bermuda Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, it is my joy on behalf of this new administrative team, DeJaun Tull, Executive Secretary and Treasurer Aaron Spencer, to greet you in Jesus’ name. We thank God for the opportunity to serve Our Lord, His people, and our community during these momentous times. Even though we inherit our responsibilities during tough economic conditions, we know that there is no challenge too great, for there is nothing too hard for the Lord. It is our belief that God’s biddings are His enabling and that we have come to the Kingdom to serve Him for such a time as this. Therefore, we accept this new administrative challenge and believe that God’s grace; the prayerful support of His people; and the assistance of the Holy Spirit will use the people of God to do great and marvelous things for Our Lord.
We have been praying for a ‘God move’ and believe that He will help us to reach Bermuda with the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14:6-12. We are poised to serve Him by ministering to our country through the 3,884 members who comprise our 11 congregations; through our pastors and Bible instructors who minister the Word of God; through our school administrators, teachers and staff, who educate our children at our K-12 school; through the Adventist Book Centre and Health Food Store, with truth filled literature and health products; through our 24-hour cable channel, Adventist Television (ATV, Channel 80), and with local inspirational radio broadcasting, proclaiming the good news of salvation.
In fulfillment of the gospel commission you will find our committed church members knocking on doors in the community, inviting you to help relieve the burdens of those less fortunate; supporting evangelistic and missionary endeavors; conducting Bible studies in the prisons; feeding the hungry in the city; clothing the naked; organizing youth events; operating GED programs; volunteering our time, talent, and treasures in ministries that serve our community to the glory of God, as we prepare a people to meet Jesus at His soon return.
We invite you to visit our churches, the Adventist Book Center on King Street, and send your children to Bermuda Institute, at Middle Road Southampton; tune in to our TV and radio programs; and say hello to our Johnny Barnes. We even invite you to give us a call at our Headquarters (441 292-4110). We pray that you will be blessed as you journey through this life, and that you will join our fellowship as we prepare a people for the life to come.
May the Lord God bless you real good!
Kenneth Manders