
Elder Calvin White

Elder Calvin White, a revered figure within the Bermuda Conference Seventh-day Adventist community, has dedicated his life to God and the service of his congregation at St. David's Church. As the first Elder, he not only shepherds this faithful community but also actively contributes to various church ministries and committees, embodying his unwavering commitment to his faith. Elder White's journey of faith began in 1978 when he was baptized, and it was a significant moment in his life. This baptism was particularly special because it included his wife Debra, who was then his girlfriend. They both got baptized together and married the very next week, embarking on a lifelong journey of faith and partnership in ministry. Since then, he has tirelessly toiled in the Lord's vineyard, sowing the seeds of the gospel and tending to the spiritual needs of those he shepherds. His multifaceted contributions include leading the Treasury Team, participating in the Finance Committee, serving as a Sabbath School Teacher, and taking charge as the AV Leader. Moreover, he is deeply involved in Health Ministries and Community Services, where his compassionate heart shines as he extends help and care to those in need. One of the remarkable aspects of Elder White's ministry is that he doesn't labor alone. He shares this divine calling with his life partner, his wife, Debra, who stands alongside him as a Sabbath School co-Teacher and co-Leader in Health Ministries. Their shared commitment to serving their congregation is a testament to their deep faith and love for their community. In addition, Community Services, which Deb and Elder White share together, plays a vital role in their collaborative ministry. Elder White's impact extends beyond the walls of the church. He has organized and led evangelism series, including Prophecy seminars, CHIP, and Diabetes Undone seminars, as well as Financial Management seminars. Through these efforts, countless souls have found their way into the fold of faith, influenced and inspired by Elder White's unwavering dedication to spreading the message of God's love and grace. In reflecting on his life's journey, Elder White acknowledges his profound gratitude to Jesus Christ. He recognizes that his calling emerged from the darkness of his past and the precipice of certain despair. Through God's grace, he was guided into the marvelous light of the gospel, forever transformed. He humbly acknowledges that Jesus declared him righteous when he had no righteousness of his own, equipping him to fulfill His divine will. With deep humility, Elder Calvin White sees himself as a co-laborer with the Creator in one of the noblest missions entrusted to humanity—the sharing of God's message of love, hope, and salvation. He remains in awe of the boundless grace that has shaped his life and ministry.
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